What we do..

We provide support and care packages to help Dad's through the hard times of dealing with their child going through illness or loss of life.
When we are notified that someone is going through this life changing challenge we want you to know that you are not alone. We want to help you through the difficult moments. When we send out a care package it includes:
Handwritten Note
A NIV Bible
A Prayer Blanket for the Dad
An invitation to join us for our virtual Dad's Love Support Meeting
Dad's Love Support Group
Monday, October 4 · 8:00 – 9:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/mxx-hwau-dhx
To receive or send a care package, please click on the link below to go to the link on the footer of the page.
We welcome donations. It helps us do what we do. If you are moved to assist, please click on the donation link below.